About Us

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Zoie Doing Her Thing

Our Goal

As a small business, our primary goal is to provide quality products and services to our customers at a reasonable cost.

One of the most effective ways we’ve found to meet this goal has been to develop partnership with our customers.

Our Story

My family and I have managed several small business dating back to the 90’s. Our first small business was offset printing.

The most gratifying small business adventure was a small neighborhood convenience store. As part of the neighborhood we interacted with the young adults and was able to make a difference in several individual life’s.

Meet the Team

Write something about the people who make your business go or your philosophy behind customer service. Why? Because people want to know who they’re doing business with. It’s a human thing.

Regan McCook

Founder & CEO

Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.

Eric Teagan

Vice President

Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.

Timothy Barrett


Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.

Next Steps…

This is should be a prospective customer’s number one call to action, e.g., requesting a quote or perusing your product catalog.

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